Are All NIOSH N95 Masks The Same?

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Considering any potential N95 mask, check out NIOSHs webpage on Respirators counterfeited/misrepresented. Since you are likely not going to be carrying around an entire respiratory products test laboratory with you when shopping, you will need to instead rely on signs to tell you whether a supposedly N95 face mask has, or has not, received approval […]

Surgical N95 Mask: Why You Need One And How To Get It

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With the availability of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved N95 masks no longer limited, the CDCs guidance suggests individuals can opt to use a NIOSH-approved N95 mask instead of cloth face coverings. KN95 masks are designed to offer near-identical protection as an N95 respirator, which is regulated by the National Institute of […]

The Benefits Of Wearing A Surgical N95 Mask

The CDC, which advises wearing N95 masks when caring for patients with highly infectious diseases like tuberculosis, SARS, and COVID-19. Surgical masks are not designed to be sealed over the face, and therefore they do not offer wearers the same protection level that an N95 respirator does. N95 respirators and surgical masks are considered Personal […]

The Life-Saving Benefits of Wearing a NIOSH N95 Medical Face Mask

NIOSH N95 medical face masks provide the ultimate in protection from airborne contaminants, including harmful bacteria and viruses, mold spores, and toxic chemicals. While many people have seen these face masks at their local doctor’s office or hospital, they may not be aware of the benefits of wearing one every day and during times of […]